Extra-Provincial Registrations

If your Corporation is registered either Federally or Provincially and you're looking to expand into another province, just complete our straightforward form, which takes only 5 to 10 minutes.
This is the address where your business is incorporated, as specified in the Certificate of Incorporation.
Select the province where you plan to register your business extra-provincially.


Nuans search & name reservation included
Registration Document Included
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Upload any documents of your corporation: Certificate and Articles of Incorporation
Businness Address on the articles of Incorporation
Registered Office aAddress
The place where you are registering extra-provincially
Extra-Provincial Address is the address in which you are extra-provincially registering.
Full Address
Kindly complete the details below if you take 'no'
Domain & Marketing Services
File Business Annual Return
Every corporation is required to file an annual corporate return (not a tax return) with Service NB. You have the option to file it yourself or use our services to handle it for you.